
Pets4Homes Breeder Reviews

You must use Pet Payments on Pets4Homes to create or receive a review.

How does a buyer leave a review?

The process:

  1. The buyer pays for their pet via Pet Payments
  2. Some days after the buyer confirms collection, they will receive an email asking them to leave the seller a review.
  3. If you are a seller, you can ask your buyer to complete the review!

Learn how Pet Payments works here

Pet Payments for Sellers

Pet Payments for Trusted Breeders

Pet Payments for Buyers

Reviews FAQ for everyone

What does a review contain?

A review has a rating, 1 to 5, and a comment from the buyer about their experience rehoming a pet from the seller.

Does Pets4Homes investigate reviews with low ratings?

Yes, in the case a buyer leaves a negative review we will investigate the complaint. We will speak to the buyer and seller to get more details, get supporting documentation from a vet where needed, and take a look into the seller's history. Any seller found to be breaking our strict welfare rules will be banned from Pets4Homes. However, our reporting mechanism is still the best place to report any welfare issues before or after purchase.

Why are there breeders with low reviews still on Pets4Homes?

Every negative review is investigated by our Trust and Safety team. In cases of a pet welfare issue, we will take appropriate action against the seller. In other cases, low reviews can be left for valid reasons but there are no welfare concerns and no breaking of our terms and conditions. In these cases, we will allow the seller to continue advertising with us and leave the low reviews so that buyers can make informed decisions.

Reviews FAQ for sellers and breeders

Can I collect reviews without using Pet Payments?

No, it is not possible to collect reviews without Pet Payments. Review systems are very open to abuse and the last thing we want is a bad breeder being able to submit fake positive reviews. The only 100% guaranteed way we know that a specific buyer has bought a pet from a specific seller is if they have used our Pet Payments service so that is the only way we will allow reviews on Pets4Homes.

When can a buyer leave a review?

A buyer is asked to leave a review 2-7 days after they have collected their pet. That way only verified buyers can leave a review.

How is the rating calculated?

We take an average of the review ratings left by buyers for a breeder.

Can I appeal or change a review that someone left for me?

If you are a seller and feel you have been left an unfair or inappropriate review please contact us with this form and supply any supporting evidence you may have that the review is not correct so we can asses. There is no guarantee that a negative review will be removed. Maintaining high pet welfare standards on Pets4Homes will be our number one goal when assessing any appeal and any review will be removed our discretion. 

Can I leave a review for my buyer?

Reviews about buyers are not currently supported. If you have a complaint about a buyer please contact us via this form or report them from Chat.

Reviews FAQ for buyers

If a seller has no reviews does this mean they cannot be trusted?

No, this only means the seller has not collected any reviews yet. Pet Payments is a relatively new service and therefore many sellers have not had time to collect reviews yet. When contacting any seller, whether they have reviews or not, always make sure to check all the safety aspects such as seeing the litter with their mum and checking all relevant paperwork. You can learn more about staying safe here.

Can I edit my review?

Yes, you can edit your review if you open the same link in the email you received. In the case of a pet welfare issue you should always contact our Trust and Safety team first using this form.

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